Tower offers electromagnetic type 120V AC buzzers for industrial and commercial applications such as tip over, end of cycle or event failure alarms.

AC Buzzers for Rugged Applications
Electromagnetic buzzers offer superior reliability and ideal for continuous and intermittent duty applications. Typical uses of buzzers include small household appliances, washers, dryers and alarm systems. Customers have a choice between terminal or lead wire connector types. All Tower buzzers meet UL and CSA requirements.
Tower Manufacturing sells only to Original Equipment Manufacturers. Tower does not sell to individual consumer or direct potential customers to any parts reseller.
For replacement parts please contact Original Equipment Manufacturer.
How Can We Help?
Tower can develop unique, customized products, or modifying existing designs, that can be integrated with your final product ─ at a competitive price and within a tight timeframe. Please reach out to our design team to identify the best course of action to develop products for your applications.