Appliance Leakage Current Interrupter
Tower offers Appliance Leakage Current Interrupters (ALCIs) to meet your particular requirements.

Tested to the Highest Standards
The main difference between GFCI and ALCI products is that GFCIs not only sense current imbalance, but also have the ability to identify improper wiring. ALCIs are used as components on appliances, where wiring conditions can be guaranteed. Typical applications for ALCI products are portable appliances such as bathroom heaters, carpet cleaners and hair dryers. The ALCI will trip and remove power with an imbalance of current or if the portable appliance is immersed in grounded water (i.e., sink, tub, etc.). All Tower ALCI products are UL approved.
Tower Manufacturing sells only to Original Equipment Manufacturers. Tower does not sell to individual consumer or direct potential customers to any parts reseller.
For replacement parts please contact Original Equipment Manufacturer.

How Can We Help?
Tower can develop unique, customized products, or modifying existing designs, that can be integrated with your final product ─ at a competitive price and within a tight timeframe. Please reach out to our design team to identify the best course of action to develop products for your applications.